The Shikshiyan School, Gurugram celebrated ‘75th Republic Day’ on 25th January 2024 through a host of engrossing activities. The Republic Day was celebrated with pride and reverence in the School Campus. Republic Day is a special day in India commemorating the adoption of the Constitution of India, and the country's transition to a republic which came into effect on 26 January 1950.
The ceremony began with the hoisting of the tricolor flag by Chairman Sir. Flag hoisting was followed by the National Anthem to pay tribute to the motherland. The celebration in all the classes, commenced with the address to the students by chairman sir. He dedicated the celebration to the undying human spirit to triumph in the face of adversity and touched upon the measures being taken by the nation to uplift the citizens to become a developed country and ameliorate their economic conditions as part of the Republic of India. He stressed the fact that India as a country has always used the crisis as an opportunity to build on our strengths, demonstrated tremendous resilience and surged ahead on the past of progress and development.
The cultural celebrations included dance, music, speeches and poems by the students. Listening to and singing patriotic songs, triggered in the children and teachers alike, many emotions of pride, love and respect for the country. Art forms; drawings, paintings & dance performances generated loyalty, patriotism and showcased our rich historical, traditional and cultural heritage. What needs special mention is Air show collage of class V and patriotic dance performance by the students of class IV.
No celebration is complete without making us feel proud of the fact that, “Saare Jaahan se Acchha Hindustan Hamara”.